
Thursday, June 4, 2009

My First Attempt at Pound Cake (an absolute must with fresh strawberries!)

One of my favorite produces to get fresh from the fields, are strawberries. Fortunately in West Virginia by May/June, strawberries are abundant at all local farmer's markets: Butler's, Orr's, Ridgefield's, are some of my local faves.
Last weekend I stopped by Butler's to pick up some strawberries and only strawberries. Needless to say, that turned into a full-blown produce spree, and I obviously couldn't leave without a bottle of their homemade strawberry daiquiri mix (I opted for making strawberry margaritas instead and they were a-mazing). I also found a strawberry that kind of looked like a poodle: what do you think?

Anywho, after I got home I decided that I really wanted strawberry shortcake, which in my family simply translates to pound cake, strawberries, and whipped cream. Now, I have to confess: this family favorite usually involves both Sara Lee and Cool Whip. Being the baker that I am, though, I decided to do everything from scratch. The whipped cream part was a breeze, but I needed to find the perfect pound cake recipe (and by perfect I mean one I actually had the ingredients for). When I moved into Spring Maples, my mother gave me most of her cookbooks, so I decided to scour through them to find the recipe. In a 1970's book compiled by the Campus Crusades for Christ, called Delectable Collectibles, I found my recipe:
I only made one small adjustment: I'd seen another recipe for a "crusty pound cake" that advised turning the oven up to 350°F for the last 30 minutes: I gave it a whirl and was quite please with the outcome!

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